
4-H in a nutshell!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Don't Fall behind on 4-H Activities

 Although leaves are turning and the weather is changing, don't turn your attention away from 4-H or change your plans to exclude 4-H from your life!!!  Fall is a great time to stay involved! 

October 2-8 is NATIONAL 4-H WEEK!

It will be a great opportunity to stay engaged in 4-H!  You'll have an opportunity each day to show your 4-H spirit by participating in the Stokes 4-H Spirit Week!

All week while you are participating, take picturese and post them to our Stokes County 4-H Facebook page!!!!

October 3: Clover Day-wear 4-H and 4-leaf clovers to show your spirit

October 4: Green Day-wear 4-H green!!!

October 5: Show your Interest Day-wear or dress to show off your 4-H focus area and your interests/hobbies

October 6: Hungry to Help: help out others by gathering non-perishable food items to give to the food banks...you can drop them off at your Extension office or keep them to drop off at the Food banks!

October 7: Spread the Word-tell a friend about 4-H, add someone to our Facebook page or blog!

October 8: Celebrate 4-H at Ridgefest (local Sandy Ridge festival) from 10am-2pm!

Keep updated on more Fall events!!! Don't Fall away from 4-H!!!!

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